- Non es de sesto de olvidar:
- los disçípulos vino alumbrar
- con espanto.
- Tú estavas en ese lugar;
- del çielo viste y entrar Spíritu Santo.
- El septemo non ha par,
- quando por ti quiso enbiar
- Dios tu padre;
- al çielo te fizo pujar,
- con Él te fizo assentar commo a madre.
- Señora, oy al pecador,
- que tu fijo el Salvador
- por nós diçió
- del çielo, en ti morador;
- el que pariste, blanca flor, por nós murió.
- Pecadores non aborrescas,
- pues por ellos ser merescas
- madre de Dios;
- antel con nusco parescas,
- nuestras almas le orescas, rruégal por nós.
Wherein the poet says that every man should find joy to temper his cares, and tells of the disputation held between the Greeks and the Romans.
- These are a sage’s words, spoken by Cato:
- man, whose heart is filled with cares,
- must temper them with pleasures, and gladden his spirit,
- for great sadness leads to great sin.
- And since one cannot laugh at prudent advice,
- I will include some jokes here,
- when you hear them, do not do as they say,
- rather, just imitate their verses and rhyme.